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Absolutely not. There is no possible way for you to get pregnant without the sperm entering your vagina and meeting with your egg.

Babies do not grow in a woman's stomach! They grow in the womb, which is a completely separate organ that is located about two feet below the stomach, right above your vagina.

Nothing you swallow EVER ends up in your womb. It goes into your stomach (where your stomach acids kill the sperm cells anyway), then through your intestines and out your anus with the rest of your poop.


No, but there was one single confirmed case of this happening to a girl in Africa. There is naturally no connection between the digestive tract and the uterus, but the girl in question was stabbed in the stomach not long after performing oral sex and had the sperm pass through before the wound healed. To make the story even stranger, due to a birth defect this girl had no vagina and wouldn't have been able to get pregnant through conventional sex.

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