You can get pregnant from sexual intercourse anywhere in your menstrual cycle, although the probability would be higher if a woman were on her 14th day, where she ovulates.
If you have sex two days before your period you are more than likely pregnant. Sperm last about three days in a females body. So,I'm pretty sure that you are pregnant because you are also ovulating before and after your period comes on and at the end of the cycle when it goes off
It depends on what you mean by "safe intercourse." In using any method of birth control there is always a potential of getting pregnant. Nothing is 100% effective except for not having sex. So, yes, there is a possibility that you may be pregnant.
Yes. it is possible. A woman can have a few periods or even regular monthly periods during pregnancy.
If your already pregnant and have sexual intercourse during anytime of your pregnancy you can not get pregnant.
Anytime you have sex, period or no, you can get pregnant.
There is a high chance you probably are pregnant. Best chance is to get a test done.
Yes you can get pregnant a friend got pregnant three times while on period.
If you have not had your menstrual cycle in three months and this has not happened to you before and you are engaging in sexual intercourse, whether protected or not, there is a great chance you are pregnant.
You may still have a false negative but you are plenty of time after intercourse and you had intercourse at the right time to become pregnant.
If you have had sexual intercourse during the previous three months you may be pregnant. If not, there may be other medical reasons. In any case you should see a doctor.
You cannot get pregnant on the day before your period starts. Your period is actually the unfertilized ovule and the uterus lining falling out of your body, which means you are not pregnant. Ovulation (fertile time) usually happens 14 days before your period, and lasts two or three days. You can get a positive result on a pregnancy test a week after fecundation, but the more time passes the more accurate the result will be.