This is different for every woman, if you mean naturally. If the woman has an fertile eggs left and has sex with a man who has fertile sperm, then yes. A lot of women have gone through menopause by age 50 though. Women this age can still conceive artificially though through alternative methods such as In Vitro Fertilization.
yes its never to late to be a mum so i say go for it
If human, female, and otherwise fertile, yes.
Yes, you can. Some women don't experience menopause until after the age of 50.Yes many women can get pregnant at that age.
yes- if she has her period now and then
Yes, a 50 year old can get a girl pregnant. Men have fathered children at a much older age.
Menopause more likely.
A women can get pregnant until she gets to around 50. The she gets menopause
Yes, eventually you'll hit menonpause which is about the age of 50. You will then lose all chance of getting pregnant.
in my opinion yes you can because an expert says that when you stop having your period then your maybe to old to be pregnant but if you still have your period then don't even wait just go for it!!
A girl can get pregnant at the age of 12. If a girl has went through puberty they can get pregnant.
most teenagers get pregnant at age 15
To get pregnant naturally you have to be menstruating, which'd be rare at 50. Otherwise it's up to the doctors and an egg donor.
Female cats can get pregnant as early as 4 months of age.