Yes you can. You can get pregnant at any time unless you are already pregnant.
can i get pregnant 2 days before my period starts
Yes! With octuplets!
clarify joymaker rn
You can get pregnant if you have sex 2 days before your period. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period. It all depends on when you ovulate (release an egg). If you ovualte 2 days before your period then you are most likely to get pregnant then.
yes you can get pregnant you can't get pregnant if your period is still bleeding
of course u can i got pregnant with my daughter the day before my period was due
No you can't get pregnant.
There are no days before your period, when you already are pregnant. As soon as you are pregnant your next due period at the 4th will not come. When you are without periods for 2 months, it is very likely that you are pregnant. Many women don't know, that after 10 days after their last period, they are in a period of another 10 days that hey can become pregnant. Mostly it is only 7 days. So that means that 21 days between your period you cannot become pregnant. Short: Period + 10 days free. + 8 days pregnancy possible. + 10 days free. Dr. Phylopi
you do it before your period.. while ovulating.