is my response to you mr Wiki User i have rockbox and it runs doom (Look it up)you can get game boy games (look it up also)but may be hard to map buttons depending on the mp3 you are usingtherefore you can technically play and get games on the ipod nano 2nd generation
you have to get the app glow backround or topping. (there's lots more but those are the ones i have) Edit: You can only do this on certain iPod Touches (i.e. 3rd and 4th Generation.) You would go to the Photos app and set the photo as the background image.
The ipod nano 4g comes with 3 games-Maze,Vortex and Klondike.In my opinion the best game is Maze.You rotate your ipod and try to get a ball in a hole.For more info go to ipod nano 4g games and then select "Apple iPod nano 4G MP3 Player Review - Everything USB".
No that's a 4th generation move that can be only taught in 4th generation Pokemon games such as Diamond.
Happiny is a 4th generation Pokemon none of those Pokemon existed in previous generation games like leafgreen.
for sure you will find compatibility issues.
No, only when you download apps. This is pertaining to the iPod touch (4th generation) and iPhone (3rd generation). -Kristi
yes...the 4th generation 8GB iPod touch has a camera
No, the 4th generation ipod touch has a camera on the front! xxx
4th generation.
No, currently the only ipod w/ a camera is the previous generation (4th?) of ipod nano and the 4th generation ipod touch, which contains two.
i hear that the ipod touch 4th generation has a camara,retina display,face time and othr very interesting abilities like apps such as the game jet pack joy ride or cut the ropes christmas edition and normal cut theropes there are also apps that allow you to watch movies there are so many possibility's with n ipod touch 4th generation so if you need an ipod touch and you don't know what generation to buy march on down to the store and ask for the 4th one i highly recomend it.
Only in the iPod Touch 4th generation.
The iPod Touch 4th Generation Has A Camera!
iPod touch 4th generation
I know for certain that 3rd and 4th do but 1st and 2nd might not.
There is no iPod Touch 5th Generation. The iPod Touch 4th Generation runs iOS 5.