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Expired condoms (so long as they are still in their proper packaging) are not likely to give you any kind of infection in and of themselves. The expiration date on condoms reflects the fact that the latex used to make them breaks down over time; past the expiration date, condoms are more likely to break or leak.

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Q: Can you get an infection from an expired condom?
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Can expired condoms cause infection?

There is a possibility that expired condoms might give you infection. As I have personally experienced it (itching) at the end of the (head) because, some of the oil that comes with condoms might be expired; Therefore, You will be using a expired condom or as I call it (oiled nylon). Best tip by it before you actually meet up with your intercorse partner.

What is the chance of getting pregnant if you use a condom that has expired?

No one has actually figured out the chances of using an expired condom, but one thing is sure. An expired condom has a much greater chance of breaking, which can cause pregnancy. Don't take the chance.

Do people who use protection still get HIV infection?

There are no exact figures, but the chances of HIV infection using a condom is minimal (2% condom failure rate).

How can you not have a baby?

well if you are a boy wear a condom it will work , but if its expired than it wont work.. if your a girl they do have condoms but you have to shove it in there so the boys should wear a condom.

What to do if you use a yeast infection cream that expired 3 yearsa ago?

If you use an expired yeast infection cream just discontinue use and get a new cream. It's unlikely to cause you any problems so no need to worry about having used the expired cream.

How can a condom reduce the risk of infection?

because then if your willy has any infections, they are not passed on to the female.

Can an infected male pass urinary infection to female even when using condom?

it is not supposed to with the proper use of the condom. Sometimes female urinary infections does not have to do with their sexual activities.

Is it bad to use expired medication cream?

yes i could give u an infection

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When Removing Condom From Inside Vagina could still have an infection?

Yes because her "juices" are on it which could be infectious

Can you be pregnant if your a week late on your period even though you used a condom?

Yes. But only if the condom broke or was expired. You should also be on some kind of birth control pills. I reccomend Yaz . With both, pregnancy is at such a low rate you have no need to worry.

If a women has a yeast infection can her male partner catch the infection with using a condom?

Same way pregnancy can happen with a condom on: sharing fluids prior to putting condom on, leakage of fluids with condom, tears/holes in condom, to name a few. Condoms do a good job at lowering the risk of spreading chlamydia, but they're not perfect, even when used perfectly.