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No one has actually figured out the chances of using an expired condom, but one thing is sure. An expired condom has a much greater chance of breaking, which can cause pregnancy. Don't take the chance.

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Q: What is the chance of getting pregnant if you use a condom that has expired?
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There's a 25-75 chance favoring that you would not get her pregnant. You could use a condom and not get her pregnant, or you don't use a condom and you have a chance at getting her pregnant.

What is the chance of getting pregnant with your tubes clamped?

20 percent without condom

Is their any chance of getting pregnant even with the protection?

Depending on what type/ how much protection, there is usually always a chance of getting pregnant. If only a condom is being used, then it is absolutely still possible to get pregnant (the condom can break). The more protection used, the lesser the chance of getting pregnant, BUT the only way to prevent pregnancy 100% is not to engage is sexual intercourse at all.

Is there a chance you could be pregnant if the condom split?

yesExcellent.Yes you can get pregnant if the condom splits.

Is there a chance you could be Pregnant if your partner pulls it out without a condom?

yes there is a chance that you can become pregnant from you partner pulling out without a condom

What is the chance of a girl getting pregnant if the guy smokes marijuana and wears a condum?

Weed does not protect anyone from pregnancy but it can make the guy fumble with the condom. If the condom is used correctly you have zero chance of pregnancy.

I lost my virginity with a girl 2 days ago she has her period today I made sure my penis was dry during sex may she be pregnant?

There is always a chance of the female getting pregnant when you don't use a condom. The chance might be a tad slimmer since she was close to ovulating. Be safe and use a condom to reduce your chances of getting pregnant.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you've used a condom every time?

Condom are considered to be 90% to 97% effective (depending on who you talk to). So even with proper condom use you have a 3% to 10% chance of getting pregnant. Most sources favor the 97% figure.

Does a girl gets pregnant if she has an intercourse at the first day of her period with a condom?

yes you can get pregnant if you have sex before or at the begining of your period you can get pregnant at anytime. with a condom you have a better chance of protection against pregnancy and diseases but it doesnt mean you wont get pregnant. theres always a chance you can get pregnant with a condom

Is there any chance that you are not pregnant without using a condom but pulling out?

You might not neccesarily be pregnant, but there is a higher chance than if you actually used a condom, or any other contraceptive..

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you use a condom every time?

Well, condoms are effective 99% of the time, so... 1% chance.

What are the chances of getting pregnant with a condom but he was still in when he ejaculated?

Condoms are a good source of contraception if you use them properly, and they do not tear/break. If the condom didn't tear/break then, even if they did ejaculate inside you, there is very little chance you would get pregnant.