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I bought a M2000 last year in New Zealand and one of the five chokes it came with has skeet stamped on its side. So I believe the answer is yes, it just may be called something different depending where you are.

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Q: Can you get a skeet choke for a stoeger?
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What type of choke is recommended for skeet shooting?

A skeet choke which is 5 notches

What is a skeet chokes?

A skeet choke is a screw in tube that is inserted in the end of a barrel of a shotgun, the main thing a skeet choke does is changes the spread pattern of the shot from the shell, since its a skeet choke it will make the spread very large so that you can hit the skeet easier.

What gun do you use for skeet shooting?

Shotgun with a skeet choke.

What choke comes with the stoeger stf 3000?

Full choke, improved cylinder, and modified.

What are the notches in the choke tubes for on a Stoeger shot gun choke?

To determine different shot patterns

Which choke is best when hunting ducks?

Improved cylinder or larger. Actually alot of folks do very well with a skeet gun.

What choke tubes will fit a stoeger side by side shotgun?

For the Stoeger side-by-side shotgun, your best bet would be to use any of the standard Winchester choke tubes. They should fit well for you shotgun.

What are the choke marking for Stoeger STF 3000?

the markings on the out side edge of choke tube, one line is full choke,3 lines are modified choke and 4 lines are imp cyl choke,thats what they told me when i bought it.

What are the various choke markings for Stoeger shotguns?

The fixed choke markings are denoted by * marks on the bottom of the barrel under the forearm assembly. 3 on the left barrel and 4 on the right. *** Modified choke **** Improved Cylinder

What is different about a skeet barrell and a regular barrelon a shotgun?

Mainly the degree of choke, or constriction at the muzzle. a skeet choke is the smallest degree of constriction next to no choke at all (cylinder bore). Hunting shotguns may be full choke, modified, or some other combination. The greater the degree of constriction, the greater percentage of pellets kept in a small circle. Cylinder.000 in40%Skeet.005 in53%Improved Cylinder.010 in57%Modified.020 in67%Improved Modified.030 in73%Full choke.040 in75%

How do you tell choke on a browning superposed?

'*' designates full choke (F). '*-' designates improved modified choke (IM). '**' designates modified choke (M). '**-' designates improved cylinder choke (IC). '**$' designates skeet (SK). '***' designates cylinder bore (CYL).

Determine Browning shotgun choke?

'*' designates full choke (F). '*-' designates improved modified choke (IM). '**' designates modified choke (M). '**-' designates improved cylinder choke (IC). '**$' designates skeet (SK). '***' designates cylinder bore (CYL).