yes,if you are just starting for the first time,having a fever is a symptom,or if you are cramping you can get a fever from the pain.
Paratyphoid fever has three stages: an early stage marked by high fever; a toxic stage with abdominal pain and intestinal symptoms, and a long period of recovery from fever (defervescence).
Well it depends on how long you have had this fever and when was your last period. If you had this fever for more than a week I would check it out takes a home pregnancy test.
'Post-' means 'after'. 'Febrile' means 'pertaining to a fever'. Therefore 'post-febrile' means 'pertaining to the period after a fever'.
Yes, it is quite common. However, if you are using tampons, fever could be caused by Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) which can be fatal if not recognised, so it would be a good idea to speak to your doctor as soon as possible. TSS is rare though
Incubation of typhoid fever is between five days to three weeks.
It is a term that refers to a type of insanity. 'Post-' means 'after'. 'Febrile' means 'pertaining to a fever'. Therefore 'post-febrile' means 'pertaining to the period after a fever'.
Well, darling, the period of communicability for rheumatic fever is about 2-3 weeks after the onset of the illness. But let's be real, it's not like you can catch it from a sneeze or a handshake. It's more about the bacteria causing strep throat leading to rheumatic fever, so just wash your hands and cover your mouth when you cough, honey.
Yes it is possible to get an infection or even STD during menstruation.
The fever is called sustained when it does not touch the base line of 98.4 degree Fahrenheit. This term is also used for a fever when it dose not go in reasonable period of time of say one week.
It is called being in heat or in season, is when the dog can become pregnant. No there should not be any signs of a fever. The normal temperature in a dog is 101 to 102 degrees. If your dog is running a fever while in heat, I would take her in to be checked out by a Veterinarian.