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yes you cant

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Q: Can you get a cyst on a tattoo?
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Can a tattoo cause a cyst?

Yes I myself have it on my penis

What is a facetal cyst?

A facetal cyst is a type of cyst that exists in the lumbar spine. This type of cyst is also referred to as a synovial cyst.

Should you get a tattoo if you have addison's disease?

I have not had a tattoo but I did have very minor surgery to remove a small cyst and it sent me into a crisis. Also, if you get a tattoo you could be exposing yourself to heavy metal toxins. The red dye in most tattoos has mercury in it. If you have silver fillings in your mouth on top of getting a tattoo you could really be setting yourself up for big problems. Please think hard before subjecting your body to an unneeded new stress!

Is a cyst a pustule?

Cyst can turn out to be a pustule but a pustule cannot be a cyst.

What type of cyst is Nathbathiam cyst?

A Nathbathiam cyst is a cyst that has a strange coloration of purple, like you would see on a bruise. these types of cyst are deadly and can only be removed with painful sugery

Is radicular cyst a true cyst?

yes, because radicular cyst lined by epithelium

What is a subarticular cyst?

A subchondral cyst is a fluid-filled sac under the cartilage.

What is a sentence for the word cyst?

The cyst was fluid filled.Her ovarian cyst was small and benign.

What is the difference between a popliteal cyst and a Baker's cyst?

A popliteal cyst and a Baker's cyst are the same thing. They are a fluid-filled swelling behind the knee joint.

What does a fatty cyst look like?

Fatty cyst

What are the symptoms of a cyst on the brain?

It depends on the location of the cyst.

What is the ICD-9 code for adnexal cyst?

Adnexal cyst is a cyst of the uterus. Code: 621.8 - Disorder of uterus, NEC Actually, an adnexal cyst is more often an ovarian cyst, so I think 620.2 would make more sense.