Yes it's normal to feel that during pregnancy because your body is adjusting to the "change".
Typically if you get your period you are not pregnant.
If you still have your period, you probably are not pregnant. However, it would probably be wise tu see a doctor, not only to see if you are pregnant, but also to see why you are moody and nautious. you are probubaly pregnant
If you are having a regular period, you are not pregnant.
if you period hasn't come, theres a chance. probably worth getting a test
when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant.
youlll either get reallly bad sickness or feel really crap. if you suspecty you are then wait and see if it comes. although some people still get ther period wen pregnant.
probably a girl knows when shes pregnant she can just feel it
no. you cannot have your cycle and be pregnant at the same time.
only afterwards
I thought the point of saddlebacking was not to get pregnant. See
If your having a heavy period its very slim that you are pregnant. But if you had sex while you are pregnant you can actually get pregnant while having intercourse on your period. What exactly make you feel you are pregnant? and if you were pregnant before this period you need to see a doctor A.S.A.P. Something is going on in there.
Contractions feel like menstrual cramps. If you're pregnant and feel like you have menstrual cramps, call your doctor or go to the hospital. I have 4 children myself. There is no better way to describe the onset of labor than it feels like you are getting ready to start your period.