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no. you cannot have your cycle and be pregnant at the same time.

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Q: You feel nauseous but i started my period am i pregnant?
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Should you feel nauseous during period?

It is very normal to feel nauseous during your period due to the pain you may experience as well as hormones

How do you know you are peregnat?

If you are feeling nauseous, feel dizzy or feel weak you are probaly pregnant.

My last period was May 28 Its now July 16 and I feel nauseous at the smell of fish I've gained weight I feel cramps in my abdomen and legs could I be pregnant?

Yes. You are either pregnant or you have a disease and are dying!

Sore breasts and nausea mid cycle can you be pregnant?

If you had your period that very month and had no sexual activity after your period then you cannot be pregnant. Plus, it's normal to have sore breasts and feel nauseous when you're ovulating. PLUS, you cannot have symptoms that early.

Could you be pregnant if you feel nauseous in the afternoon urinating wall lining very emotional headaches?

The normal signs of pregnancy are a missed period and a positive pregnancy test. Take a pregnancy test to see if you're pregnant.

Could you be pregnant if you feel sickness but dont get sick?

yes If by 'sickness' you mean nauseous of course. but you could also be nauseous from plenty of other things, the only way to tell if youre pregnant is to take a test.

Does anybody else feel nauseous before their period?

Yes, I do too. But not all the time.

How do you use nauseous in a sentence?

Jamie started to feel nauseous as she looked over the side of the boat at the ugly black water sloshing against the sides.

Can you still be pregnant and your period come on and still feel pregnant?

Typically if you get your period you are not pregnant.

Had a period two weeks ago but still feel nauseous and have swollen breasts Why?


Im having a regular period but feel very nauseous what could it be?

hormones, perhaps you are ill

How should your stomach feel if im pregnant?

its not necessarily a feeling... that normally doesnt come til later, when the baby is more developed, but you may be nauseous and youll miss your period... i suggest a pregnancy test.