the same as if the were to fall if they weren't high
while being high, can marijuana make you loose control?
while high on marijuana you feel relaxed nothing is bothering you. when you are high i is very hard to feel physical pain. marijuana canhelpsome people withtheirschool it just depends on how your body reacts to theTHCin marijuana
When you touch something cold with your feet while you are asleep you will wake up because of the high sensitivity bearing in mind that when we are asleep we are usually very awake.
Marijuana stays in your system for 30 days.
No marijuana cannot make them high but i hope you are not trying to get them high.....
Studies show that 23% of teenagers in high school have tried marijuana. 19% of the teenage population has also admitted to driving while under the influence of marijuana.
If driving high you can. If driving while possessing weed you can. It pretty much comes down to if you are doing anything involving driving and marijuana you can loose it.
Alcohol is much worse.. i never killed anyone while i was high.............
it can calm your high and make you be able to process better
Well, if its with coke,heroin,speed,tweak,E, Pcp, angel dust, just basically if its laced with any drug that you can OD on you could die, Or theirs not enough and you either fall asleep or a have a panic attack because your body/mind cannot decide if your high, low , whatever it was laced with. for ex weed=high alchol= low =crossfaded there was a case of a man Oding on pure weed but it might me an urban legend