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while being high, can marijuana make you loose control?

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Q: Can marijuana make you loose control while driving?
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Related questions

Can you lose your license for marijuana?

If driving high you can. If driving while possessing weed you can. It pretty much comes down to if you are doing anything involving driving and marijuana you can loose it.

What If your tire blows out while driving?

You may or may not loose control and have a wreck. If you do not panic you will be ok.

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you shouldn't even do it because you loose control and crash. putting yourself at risk and others too!

What is the penalty for being caught with marijuana in your system while driving in Australia?

you die

If marijuana was legalized is there any way to make sure people arn't driving while stoned?

no not really, however driving while your high is a DUI (driving under the influence)

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Can you keep driving while you have the code p0455?

P0455 = EVAP Emission Control System Leak (Large). Could be as simple as a loose fuel cap. You can keep driving. This is only emissions related but it will fail an emissions test.

Steering wheel is loose while driving?

If the steering wheel is loose while driving the steering rack may be going bad. A bad steering rack leads to a lot of play on the actual wheel.

States where marijuana is fully legal?

Recreationally smoking? Washington and Colorado, but not in public or while driving.

How many deaths are due to driving under the influence of marijuana each year?

Probably a lot less than driving while texting !

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Loose ground?