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For women it may be due to their menstrual cycle

for all it may be due to lack of food or drink or nerves or low blood pressure or being a little under the weather.

As soon as the endorphins kick in and for the first ten to twenty minutes it may make you feel a little rush or a little woozy. I find it best to try and completely relax and listen to music I love. I learnt to meditate to help with the tattooing process and it helps me.

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Q: Can you faint from getting a tattoo?
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Is it bad to faint during a tattoo?

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IMHO, there are no pros to getting a tattoo.

Is getting tattoos removed painful?

Getting a tattoo removed can be extremely painful ! When you get a tattoo removed it usually just leaves a scar of what the tattoo is, it's almost like getting a scarification tattoo, there is honestly no point in even getting a tattoo removed, you will still have it on your skin.

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Smoking marijuana after getting a tattoo will cause no harm to your body. However, alcohol intake before getting a tattoo can cause excess bleeding.

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kid? how old are you? don't get a tattoo. It's permanent. If you do get a tattoo, get a Henna tattoo. They go away after a while

What are some dangers of getting a skull tattoo?

There are no dangers of getting a skull tattoo specific to the skull. The type of tattoo does not make it dangerous as the picture has no links to known dangers.