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If you fail two classes on the same report card, then I don't think so. But if they were on two different report cards, then you might still have a chance. Also, if you have already had to repeat a grade, they will never hold you back again.

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Q: Can you fail two classes in eighth grade and still pass?
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Will you fail the 8th grade if you fail one of your core classes?

It depends on your might have to go to summer school or do extra credit or something.

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Probably not

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how much classes can u fail to pass grade?

In Canada where I'm from all high school students must pass all their classes to enter the next grade or graduate, if one class is failed you will still go to graduation, but will have to take that class over again, Most likely you will only go for 1 semester.

Can I fail My Fifth grade class if i fail my ela and my math class?

yes those are the two most important classes in the usa.

What grade is failing in Middle school?

you may fail if you fail more than 2 classes. it may affect your grades and may even have to repeat. you hay only fail 2 classes to pass. if you fail more than 2 classes you have to repeat

Do you have to pass the seventh grade math TAKS?

NO you do not have to pass the 7th grade task. but you need to pass all of your classes in order to move on. at the end of the year your grades will be averaged and if you fail TWO you will go to summer school and retake the task and if you fail it that time you will repeat the 7th grade.

Can you fail eighth grade by missing too much school even though your grades are high around an A or B?

Yes, because that happened to me and I am in the 8th grade. Stay in school kids and study hard.

Is it true that if eighth graders don't pass history or science they wont go to ninth grade?

Yes, Science is a main class, if you fail it, you can be retained (held-back)