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Unless you have a business license and a health inspection it is illegal to tattoo out of your home any where. Tattooing like any other business requires a business license as well as a health inspection for the protection of the general public. In some places the city can enter your home with a warrant and seize your equipment and charge you with reckless endangerment in concert with conducting a business without a license. In every city, town etc. you must be the age of majority to hold a business license.

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15y ago
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13y ago

No, as long as you claim your earnings and are not licensed. However why? You will be giving bad tattoos, bar none. It is not easy and is probably the hardest thing I have ever learned at 1 year of professional experience and 2 as an apprentice, I am doing quality work, which I am well compesated for. Can you draw, and I do not mean bs I mean can you really draw, tattooing is an art and its trips me out how all these kids think that they can just do it, w/o any skills already as an artist, YOU HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO DRAW. I would be busting my ass to learn that first, and you will never get far in a tattoo career if you start on moms couch, you need to learn so much about sterilazation techniques,cross contamintation, and blood born pathogens right now, and I would focus on that call up your local health dept. or ambulance headquarters its where you usually have to take the 3 courses, first aid,bllod born, and CPR, then you send off some money with your application and you take cross contamination, anyone can do it and it only cost 100 bucks, however, in this business your reputation as an artist is what is going to make or break you and starting out of moms house, with a starter kit and not a clue wont get you far, in fact you will be done trying in a couple weeks, if your set on doing it please please please buy some grapefruits, practice skin, hell use your own skin, if you want to be a tattooist tattooing yourself should not be a problem, so do it! Basically unless you can majically find out all of our secrets (wont happen) you need to take on an apprenticeship and no shop that's worth a damn will take on an apprentice who cannot draw. Yes you can scratch out of your house, but not knowing a damn thing about it, even if you think you do, trust me you do not, will only result in a failure at something you want to do, before you even start, DRAW.

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15y ago

legally? probably not. zoning comes into play, as does licensing and tax numbers etc.

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15y ago

hi. i wanted t know can i help people to do tattoos at my house ?

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15y ago

Yes with proper equipment and adequate training tattoos can be done safely at home

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13y ago

Yeah, but it'd look awful.

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