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she does have tattoos

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Q: Does Otep Shamaya have tattoos
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Related questions

What is Otep Shamaya's birthday?

Otep Shamaya was born on November 7, 1979.

When was Otep Shamaya born?

Otep Shamaya was born on November 7, 1979.

Was otep shamaya abused?

Yes! Otep Shamaya was sexually abused pretty much everyday as a child by her father.

Is Otep Shamaya a lesbian?

Yes Otep is a lesbian. She is very open about it.

What is The lead singers name from otep?

Well, darling, the lead singer of Otep is none other than Otep Shamaya herself. Yes, the band is named after her, in case you were wondering. So, there you have it - Otep Shamaya is the fierce frontwoman you're looking for.

Where does otep live?

Otep Shamaya lives in Los Angeles,California.She has lived there her entire life.

What is otep?

Otep is a Metal band that was formed in 2000. The lead singer's name is Otep Shamaya. They are one of my favorite bands. I am going to see them in Columbus on Friday.

What actors and actresses appeared in Otep Live Confrontation Concert Documentary - 2009?

The cast of Otep Live Confrontation Concert Documentary - 2009 includes: Otep Shamaya

Name of band with girl screamer?

Otep is a band with a girl screamer named Otep Shamaya. Arch Enemy is one. I Wrestled A Bear Once

What is otep shamaya's favorite food?

her favorite food is meat because it is a raptors favorite food.

What is otep shamaya's real name?

otep shamaya is her stage name that was used when she started out in Austin TX. When she moved to Los Angeles she kept it. Her real birth name is Shannon Michelle Atchley. She was born 11/7/1969 in Texas. She sometimes uses the last name Baty after her step father who she thinks of as her 'real' dad.

Is otep shamaya godless or christian?

Otep Shamaya is a Taoist.Which means she is spiritually involved with nature and believes that nature is her god,not person.She has also said that art is her god and music is her religion.But she claims that her official "religion" is Taoism.Taoism isn't considered a religion by many though.