I just got a naval piercings a little over a week ago and my piercer - a very trusted and professional man with many piercings himself - gave me firm instructions to NOT twist or remove my naval piercings until it is healed. If you remove it, you're likely to get an infection. It takes 3 - 6 months for a naval piercing to heal, so save yourself the pain and leave the ring alone.
--Just to add more to the previous answer, if your current bar is too long once the swelling goes down, you can go to your piercer for them to put in a shorter bar. Even if it hasn't been 3-6 months. Just don't change it yourself till its completely healed
I would say at most 3 weeks but everyone heals differently. If you're really worried about it, go see your piercer and have them check it out.
You need to wait a minimum of 3 months to do it yourself. However, your piercer is able to do it in as little as one to two weeks.
5 weeks
I'm 11 weeks pregnant and my belly button has started to get firmer. My belly is also firmer and fuller, which is normal. My belly button is also a bit sore at times...I think this is because around weeks 16-20 it will start to pop out, which is also normal. your worries.
According to my midwife, it is normal for your uterus to come up to about an inch or two below your belly button at this point in pregnancy. Around 20 weeks, it should reach, or almost reach, your belly button.
I wish I had a definite answer for you. I'm five weeks today and my belly button is killing me! With my last three pregnancies it was inside the belly button, this one its the area all around the belly button...
Yes, but best to have the piercer show you how first.
They are both pierced the same as far as I know but you have to wait as long as 6 weeks to change the gauge size, length and the shape. However, you placed this in Pregnancy and Health and Safety. It is not recommended to pierce while being pregnant. IF an infection occurs the toxins can be directed to your baby and CAN cause harm. So the ear piercings are not as big a deal as the belly button would be. Check with the piercer and of course research all you can on the different and safest locations to avoid infection.
No you have to wait 6 weeks with any peircing :)
That very much depends on your body/belly button type, how big you get and when you 'pop'. Some women have their belly buttons pop out as early as 14 weeks! Some women don't have it happen until their third trimester. It also changes; your belly button can pop a bit, and then kind of even out with your belly not seem as big since the belly is huge.
4 weeks :) Thanks
Ahh yes that's normal discharge and that will go on for a few weeks till your body gets a handle on the healing. That should have been covered in your aftercare instruction blurb given to you by the piercer. It should also be mentioned in your written aftercare instructions.