yes. But you should stick to studs made for lip piercings. If the piercing is still healing you should go to a tattoo or piercing parlor to have it changed for you so that it does not affect the healing process.
Wait 4-6 weeks after getting a lip piercing to change the jewelry in it
a Lip Ring or Stud .. haha i love you
Depends which part of your lip but they usually say stud at first because of the swelling but they usually ask if you wanted a ring when healed.
If it's a vertical Labret piercing then it's a curved barbell, if it's a standard lip piercing it can be a labret stud or a ring.
yeah you should be able to, as long as the lip ring is the same thickness as the stud you had your nose pierced with, otherwise the ring will not go through. :) hope this helped.
Get a new ring, or if it's just that rings are uncomfortable for you, get a stud.
Ok, i got my lip peirced about a month ago. They provide you with a lip ring. They usually ask if you want a hoop or a stud. I have a hoop because it heals faster. So no you do not have to supply a lip ring. But when you want it changed to a different lip ring you do. Hope that helped!
Yes they do. I dont have one but i have a friend that first got is chin pierced and it was a stud right under the lip.a couple monthes ago he put a ring there so its a lip ring now. Also, the best choice for your first lip piercing is a stud, as a ring could alter the shape in which the initial piercing heals and could affect the positioning if you later decide to have a stud.
Yes You Can Use An Earring As A Lip Piercing. You cant Use An Earring For A lip Ring Though. Just use An Earring Stud. I Pierced My Own Lip With An Earring, and I Know Tons Of People That Use An Earring Studd. Just Make Sure The Earring Is Cleann.
It's probably because of the stud you have in, It may be too tight. I recommend getting it changed to a longer stud if that is the problem. If that isn't the problem, Then it may be infected.
The stud is too short. Go back to your piercer to have them change it before it gets really bad.
Well it's actually a Labret piercing taken from the latin word for lip. A Labret piercing is a piercing in the lip done with a Labret stud, captive bead ring or barbell.