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Yes. It's not common but you can hemorrhage during a period. It happened to me and I had to have two transfusions. If you're soaking through more than one tampon or pad an hour for more than a day, call your gynecologist. It's easy to treat if you get care soon enough, but the longer you let the problem go on, the longer it takes to recover.

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Q: Can you bleed out from your period?
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Can you have your period but not bleed while on birth control?

If you don't bleed, you don't have a period. You can't have a period and not bleed.

How often do you bleed when your on your period?

When you are on your period you will bleed 24/7.

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No because if your period is finished, then you can no longer bleed until your next period.

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Do you bleed when you have you period?

Yes, you bleed when you have your period. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining, which includes uterine tissue and blood.

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Yes, they always bleed when they have a period. Virginity has no relationship to the menstrual cycle.

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Can you get pregnant if you are 12 years old and you have never have a period?

Before you start to bleed you ovulate so yes, you can get pregnant before you start to bleed. You will not know if you are in your period before you bleed.

Why do you still bleed before and after missed period?

You didn't miss your period. THAT was your period.

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how do you know if you bleed too much when your on your period