No. you should not have sex at the age of ten.
yes you can
If she has started puberty she can.
A woman's ability to become pregnant is not dependent on her age. It is a question of whether the woman's body is able and far enough developed to become pregnant. Typically the availability to become pregnant is tied closely to the beginning of a woman's menstrual cycle which typically does not happen until puberty (generally between the age of 12 - 14).
There is no perfect age, but the is an optimal range, 18-30.
If you are pre-menopausal (menstruation/your period has not stopped), then it is possible to become pregnant.
One third of girls become pregnant before the age of 20
No. (Age is not relevant.)
Than She can become the yougest grandmother in the world.
as long as the girl has her menstruation ansd is healthy she can get pregnant despite her age
The age of majority in New York is 18, therefore it is not relevant if the young woman is pregnant or not when it pertains to her being of legal age.
They will not!! A woman cannot get another woman pregnant no matter how hard they try!