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It is possible. Conception occurs within 5-7 days after intercourse. Although you will not be able to detect pregnancy at this point. You should wait at least two weeks after intercourse before receiving an accurate home-pregnancy test.

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Q: Can you be pregnant within five days of having had intercourse?
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Could you get pregnant after having intercourse 5 days after starting birth control?

With or without protection you can still become pregnant.

Can you start your period two days after sex and be pregnant?

Starting your period two days after intercourse, is the sign that you had ovulated about 10 - 12 days prior to having sex - so you are not pregnant.

Will a pregnancy test show you are pregnant 5 ays after you conceive?

You need to wait 14 days after having intercourse to determine pregnant with a pregnancy test.

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It depends on what you mean by "safe intercourse." In using any method of birth control there is always a potential of getting pregnant. Nothing is 100% effective except for not having sex. So, yes, there is a possibility that you may be pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if you had intercourse 14 days after your period ended?

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There is ALWAYS a chance that you can get pregnant after engaging in intercourse ...

Is a female pregnant if she stays wet two days after her last intercourse?

This is no final proof as to recognise a pregnancy. The possibility of a pregnancy is always present when having unprotected intercourse, but staying "wet" is no proof of it.

How do i get pregnant?

You can get pregnant by injecting male samon. Or The highest pregnancy rates occur in couples who have intercourse every day or every other day. Have intercourse near the time of ovulation. If having intercourse every day isn't possible — or enjoyable — have intercourse every 2 to 3 days a week starting soon after the end of your period.

If a woman has intercourse with a man how many days after does she become pregnant?

Pregnancy occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg within 12-24 hours of ovulation. Ovulation typically occurs about 14 days before the start of a woman's next menstrual period. Therefore, a woman can become pregnant if she has intercourse around the time of ovulation.

When to have intercourse and not to get pregnant?

Do the intercourse in the safe period. It normally starts from 5 days before the cycle and 10 days after the menstrual cycle.

Is it possible to know you are pregnant 3 days after intercourse?

No, not at all

May you be pregnant if you had intercourse 6 days after your period?
