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Birth Control can increase your chances of getting pregnant if you miss pills or take them at diffrent times. And it is possible to become pregnant and still have you period so I would take a pregnancy test.

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Q: Can you be pregnant if you have cramping for 4 months straight even with your period and have ben on the pill for 9 months but missed about 2 weeks?
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Missed period for almost 2 months now have light spotting for 2 weeks?

If you have missed your period for two months you may be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test to be sure. If you are not pregnant, stress may be the cause of your missed cycle.

Can I be pregnant if my stomach is growing with light periods cramping and lower back pain for the last 2 months but the tests come back negative?

Yes. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period, or have missed a period already

Can you have missed periods for eight straight months?

please see a doctor

If a woman is almost 5 days late and having a cramping sensation could she be pregnant?

Just haviing a strong cramping sensation, does not mean you are pregnant, you could miss this months period entirely and it could well come on time next months cycle.

How many months have to pass by until the doctor tells you your pregnant?

After 8 to 10 days of your missed period. You have enough time to decide about to terminate or continue the pregnancy. It does not take months after missed period.

You missed almost two months of your period can it be that im pregnant or that you have an STD?

If you have missed your period for two months, you are probably pregnant. You could take a home pregnancy test, but you should see a doctor and if you think you could have an STD, you should see a doctor immediately anyhow.

What does it mean if you haved missed your period for a couple of months are bleeding heavily cramping pain and expelling blood clots?

It means you need to go see your Doctor. Seriously.

Im two months pregnant and im having severe cramps?

mild cramping is normal,but severe,sounds like trouble.see your doctor immediately

How many months into a pregnancy can you have your period?

Pregnant women do not get periods. If you are experiencing cramping or bleeding you should contact your Dr or go to the ER right away.

What if you missed your period for two months than the third month it came?

Than there is a possibility that you are pregnant.. You should go and get tested.

Can you get parnat if no period?

You Can be Pregnant If You Have Missed Your Period But Sometimes it Just Skips And It Is Best To Just Get A Test And Check after 3 months

You do not know if you are pregnant you have irregular periods you are 2 months late and you have a brownish pinkish spotting right now and cramping are you pregnant?

spotting is Implantation bleeding which is a sign of pregnancy so yes you could be pregnant