if you have your period you are not pregnant
No, if you are having a monthly period you are probably not pregnant.
If you are having a period, you re not pregnant. You cannot be pregnant until after your last period.
It isn't really possible to get pregnant while having a period.
A girl won't get pregnant from not having her period; she may get pregnant from having sexual intercourse. However, the lack of the period may be an indication of pregnancy (but not the cause).
It is biologically impossible to be pregnant whilst having a period.
If a woman does not have a period she cannot get pregnant.
If you have a normal period with normal flow you are not pregnant
Yes a woman that is pregnant will stop having her period, until the baby is born.
If you are having a period you can not be pregnant.
When you are on/having your period, it is usually when you have one of the highest chances of getting pregnant.
If you are having a regular period, you are not pregnant.