No, vitamin supplements cannot cause your period to come a week early - vitamin supplements are just vitamins, like what you'd consume with a healthy diet. Although Vitamin C in high doses can induce your period if it is due as it starves the uterus of progesterone.
Stress can cause your period to be early, late, or even skip a month.
Don't worry about it. Some girls can start getting their period as early as eight, and some as late as seventeen. Its all to do with her body-clock, so its nothing to worry about. She'll get her period eventually, and the later she gets it the less teen years she'll have to be annoyed by the monthly.
If you're on birth control and have missed any pills this can result in a early period. Alternatively pregnancy, irregular periods or hormone imbalance can also cause a early period.
No, talipes is a congenital deformity, it is not caused by nutritional deficiency.
Timing is a genetic thing. Also soy milk at a young age can cause early puberty.
I'm not sure, but I do have thrush and twice now, my period has come early. I will ask my practitioner, and you should do the same. Keep us posted!
First off what do you mean it's too early to be my period? Are you talking about age wise or month wise?
No but it may cause nausea, breast tenderness or headaches.
Treatment with vitamin C is usually successful, if the deficiency is recognized early enough. Left untreated, the condition can cause death.
Vitamin D.
The following will cause early bleeding: * Irregular period * Pregnancy * UTI * Hormonal Imbalance * Stopping birth control * Starting birth control
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