I'm not sure, but I do have thrush and twice now, my period has come early. I will ask my practitioner, and you should do the same. Keep us posted!
Stress can cause your period to be early, late, or even skip a month.
No, vitamin supplements cannot cause your period to come a week early - vitamin supplements are just vitamins, like what you'd consume with a healthy diet. Although Vitamin C in high doses can induce your period if it is due as it starves the uterus of progesterone.
No but it may cause nausea, breast tenderness or headaches.
why did my period come 4 days early?
No, cough medicine cannot cause your period to come early - how would it?When you menstruate is determined by your menstrual cycle, a hormonal domino affect between your brain and reproductive organs, cough medicine cannot change your menstrual cycle.
early period
he came from the early period
You can't make your period come on early, your period will only start when it is due to start. You cannot speed-up your menstrual cycle or skip phases of your menstrual cycle to cause menstruation to start earlier, it just doesn't work like that.
A thrush can affect the anal area.
If you're pregnant, your period does not come on at all.
No a pineapple will not make your period come sooner