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It is possible, though rare.

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Q: Can two different pregnancy tests show a false positive?
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Is it possible to have 2 out of 3 positive pregnancy tests be false?

A false positive pregnancy test is extremely rare, so I would say no, if the tests read positive you are most likely pregnant.

Can you have a positive blood pregnancy test and not be pregnant?

The chances of that happening are very low as false positive pregnancy tests are very rare

Is it possible to have two false positive pregnancy tests?

On rare occasions you can encounter a false positive due to improper testing, expired pregnancy tests, rare medical conditions such as certain types of cancer, evaporation lines, a recent pregnancy or a chemical pregnancy.

What are the statistics for false positive results in pregnancy tests?

False positive results in pregnancy tests are relatively rare, with an average rate of about 5-10 reported in studies. This means that in 5-10 out of 100 cases, a pregnancy test may incorrectly indicate a positive result when the person is not actually pregnant.

Can steroid injections cause a false pregnancy?

Birth control shots cannot cause falsely positive pregnancy tests. Pregnancy tests measure hCG (human corionic gonatotropin). Birth control shots contain entirely different hormones.

What if you r taking vitamin's that has the same things in it as prenatal's will it make you test a false positive?

A pregnancy tests detects the hcg in your system. It can read a false negative but not a false positive.

What will make a home pregnancy gives a false positive?

On rare occasions you can encounter a false positive due to improper testing, expired pregnancy tests, rare medical conditions such as certain types of cancer, evaporation lines or a chemical pregnancy.

Can Urinary track infection causes fake positive result of pregnancy blood test?

No, UTI does not cause a false positive pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests are very specific to hCG (the pregnancy hormone), if the test reads positive you are pregnant.

Do steroids cause a false positive pregnancy test?

no prednisone is a steriod that does not interfere with pregnancy tests.

3 positive pregnancy tests and 3 negative tests?

medications w/ certain hormones can cause false positives or negatives. and certain pregnancy tests are better than others. i recommend seeing a dr.

Can a positive test result be false?

False positive pregnancy tests are VERY RARE! False negatives are more common, especially when the test is done too soon after conception. If you have a negative pregnancy test and don't start your period redo the test in 3 days.

Is a prgnancy test accurate if your still waiting on your period but the pregnancy test is positive?

Most home pregnancy tests are around 95% accurate.It's also more likely to have a false negative than a false positive. You should see a Dr for a blood pregnancy test now.