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Plastics are never used for the initial tongue piercing if the service is provided by and experienced professional body piercer. Plastics can be used once the swelling had gone down and the tongue is ready for it's step down barbell (usually about two weeks after the piercing has been done). Plastics cause a false sens of security and people tend to bite and flex the barbell, this alone can prolong the healing period. If you want it done right go with the metal barbell do your aftercare and once the swelling has eased you can go to a plastic barbell, but be warned that should you have issues the metal barbell should be put back in to the piercing.

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Q: Can the tongue be pierced with a clear barbell?
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Do you have to use a long barbell right after you get your tongue pierced?

The barbell has to be longer to allow the tongue to swell, failure to allow for room can result in the barbell being pulled into the piercing and requiring surgical intervention to remove it from the tongue.

Do you have to use a long barbell right after you get it pierced?

The barbell has to be longer to allow the tongue to swell, failure to allow for room can result in the barbell being pulled into the piercing and requiring surgical intervention to remove it from the tongue.

How long is a long tongue bar?

Each barbell is scaled to the size of the tongue to be pierced therefore there is no "actual size" barbell for tongues, this is why you need to have the piercing done by a professional body piercer who will scale and measure the tongue and place the correctly sized barbell into the piercing.

Is it normal to get your nose pierced with a barbell.... On Tuesday i got my nose pierced and they put a small barbell in as the jewllery. I'm quite confused? it with a a sewing neddle. a barbell is for tongue and other stuff not for your nose and plus its too big

When you get your tongue pirced do they have use the needle or can they just put the ring in?

Well the only way to put anything into a tongue is to use a needle to pierce the tongue first then put a barbell into the newly pierced hole. (Please quit calling it a tongue ring, it's a barbell and not a ring).

You got your tongue pierced 4 days ago and the bottom of your tongue is sore is that normal?

The barbell is a bit too long, but that's due to the swelling. Once the swelling is gone (about 2 weeks) go back and get a shorter barbell, this will relieve the discomfort under your tongue.

How long is the barbell ordinarily that is put in when you first get your tongue pierced?

That is based on the tongue size ( not all tongues are created equally ) the thicker the tongue the longer the barbell. This is to make room for swelling. Your professional body piercer will check your tongue and size you for the right barbell to do the job. Two weeks after the piercing is done the swelling will have eased off and a shorter barbell can be put into the piercing to avoid doing dental damage.

Is it normal for a freshly pierced tongue ring to sink in the tongue a little bit?

A slight sinking of the tongue ring is normal as the swelling subsides and the tongue adjusts to the jewelry. However, if the sinking is excessive or causing discomfort, it's best to consult with a piercer to ensure proper fit and healing.

What size is a tongue ring when pierced?

The size of the barbell depends solely on the size of the tongue being pierced and the selection is generally done by the professional body piercer at the time of the piercing. Be smart see a professional body piercer.

Got your tongue pierced and your ear hurts?

Go see your doctor, chances are good you are reacting to the barbell material (galvanic corrosion) your doctor will be able to help you out.

What should your tongue look like after you get it pierced should it feel like a ball round your tongue?

Well it should look like a tongue with a barbell running through it, the distention (mild swelling) around the piercing is normal and no cause for concern

Tongue pierced for about 5 months now its not completely healed still has indent but it doesn't hurt is this normal?

Yes it's normal, you need to be sure you down size the barbell after two weeks then the piercing should sit well in the tongue without excessive barbell material in the way of your teeth when eating.