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Hello. Yes. Birth Control pills make your period shorter, lighter and less painful.
birth control will lessen the number of days you have your period because your body believes it is pregnant even though you are not. talk to a physician or go to a womans clinic to have a pregnancy test done if you believe you may be but chances are you are not. p.s. be more safe with your body

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No, they will give you a withdrawal bleed that may be shorter than menstruation.

Hormonal birth control works by shutting down your menstrual cycle so that you no longer ovulate, and thus because you don't ovulate you also don't menstruate either. The bleeding women experience on the pill is a withdrawal bleed caused by the drop in synthetic hormones when going from active to inactive pills. As the pill also prevents secondary uterine lining build-up as a back-up means of preventing pregnancy it means it can be lighter than a menstrual bleed.

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Q: Can the birth control pill make your period shorter?
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How do you make your periods shorter?

Using hormonal birth control - like The Pill, NuvaRing (Ortho Evra), or Mirena (IUD) should make your period shorter and lighter.

Your period started yesterday you have a pack of birth control pills Is there anything you can do to make it stop once it has started?

If you start the birth control pill now, the period is likely to be shorter, although that's not guaranteed.

Is there any way you can make your period come sooner or make it last for a shorter amount of time?

Hello The only way to make your period arrive earlier than usual for you is by taking birth control pills and by missing some pills or you can miss a period completely by continuing to take birth control pills instead of going onto the sugar pills. But you can only do this when you've been on birth control pills for about two months because the first month will be all over the place. Birth control pills do make your period lighter, less painful and can make your period shorter.

Does NuvaRing make your period lighter?

Like all combined hormonal birth control methods, NuvaRing is likely to make your period lighter and shorter.

Can stopping the birth control pill make your period longer?

When you take the birth control pill, you can expect shorter and lighter periods. When you stop the pill, your periods go back to their natural length and heaviness of flow.

Can the birth control pill make your period late?

Hello there. Yes a period can be delayed if you have missed some of your birth control pills.

CAN birth control make you loose a baby?

Birth control pills can make you miss your period, but I do not think you can loose your baby.

Can birth control deregulate your period?

It should make your period more regular.

What are some birth control pills that make your period lighter?

In general, all birth control pills, as well as the patch and ring and the Mirena IUD, make your period lighter.

Can new birth control affect period?

Yes, birth control can effect your period. It messes with your hormones, so it can make your body go out of whack like messing with your period or gaining weight.

Can birth control make your period really long?

Not usually. They make then lighter and not as long.

Once you are on your period can you take a birth control pill to stop it?

Taking a birth control pill will not stop you from getting your period. It might make your periods shorter and lighter. There is a pill out there that makes it so your body only gets four periods a year, but I wouldn't recommend it. Your body does things for a reason, and 12 periods a year is more natural.