No, taking laxatives will not stop your period. Your period is determined by your menstrual cycle, taking laxitives has no effect on your cycle at all.
Delayed menstrual cycles have been reported when taking Ciprofloxacin. The delay can also be caused by the urinary tract infection. Both can cause delayed menstrual cycles.
I think it does, because ive been taking it for almost two weeks and my period stopped.
Loosing weight quickly can make you loose your period temporarily. Menstrual irregularity occurs to 4-40% of people taking Xenical.
I've noticed since I started taking Hydroxycut, that my period starts anywhere from 4-8 days early.
Not sure about how it would affect the menstrual cycle, but if you have stopped having your period and think you may be pregnant, STOP taking Topomax. It has recently been linked to birth defects in women who continued taking it through pregnancy.
There are absolutely NO 'side effects' or negative effects from taking a shower during the menstrual cycle (or a period).
A woman's menstrual periods are regular and usually lighter when she is taking oral contraceptives
No, taking a bath in salt doesn'tmake your period come faster. Your period starts exactly when it is due in relation to your menstrual cycle, you cannot speed-up your menstrual cycle or skip phases of your menstrual cycle to get your period to start sooner than it's due. Having a bath can help induce your period if it is late due to heat and relaxation, but not sooner.
No, taking an anti-inflammatory drug cannot make you miss a period. Menstruation is controlled by your menstrual cycle and hormonal changes that occur, you ovulate and then you menstruate, if you miss ovulation then you miss a period - this has nothing to do with your medication at all.
It's unlikely.
If you're already on your period then the pill may reduce the flow of your period but will not stop it. However if you're not on your period you can stop your period by taking the pill but it isn't advisable as a permanent thing.