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No sterile lubricant does not effect sperm.

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9mo ago

Sterile lubricants do not contain active spermicidal chemicals and therefore are not designed to kill sperm. However, they can sometimes affect sperm motility and viability due to their pH levels or osmolality, so it's recommended to use fertility-friendly lubricants if trying to conceive.

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Q: Can sterile lubricant kills the sperm?
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What is the chemical that kills sperm?

Nonoxynol-9 is a chemical commonly used in spermicides to inhibit sperm movement and effectively kill sperm. It works by disrupting the sperm cell membrane, preventing fertilization.

Is sterile saline and sterile water the same?

No, sterile saline is a solution of salt (sodium chloride) in sterile water, while sterile water is just water that has been sterilized. Sterile saline is commonly used in medical procedures and wound cleaning, while sterile water is used for irrigation and as a diluent for medications.

Is it true that smoking kills sperm cells?

Yes, smoking can harm sperm cells and reduce sperm quality, including sperm count and motility. This can lead to difficulties in fertility and a higher risk of miscarriage for couples trying to conceive. Additionally, smoking can also affect the overall reproductive health of both males and females.

What is flash point of a lubricant?

The flash point of a lubricant is the temperature at which vapors produced from the lubricant can ignite when exposed to an ignition source. It is an indication of the lubricant's ability to resist combustion. A higher flash point typically indicates better safety and thermal stability.

What is the effect of acid value on the working efficiency of a lubricant?

A higher acid value in a lubricant can lead to increased corrosiveness and deteriorate the lubricant's ability to protect machinery surfaces. This can result in increased wear and tear on machine parts, ultimately reducing the lubricant's effectiveness and potentially causing damage to equipment. Regular monitoring and maintenance of acid value is important to ensure optimal lubricant performance.

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Clear sperm is that sterile?

No. Sperm is "invisible" and you can only see it under a microscope. If there's NO sperm at all, then you're sterile.

Can semen live in a condom and if yes for how long?

Most condoms today have a lubricant which includes a spermicide that kills sperm instantly. Temperature and exposure to air are other factors that can kill sperm almost immediately as well.

What are the consequences not having sperm?

Sterile = No sperm. No sperm = No biological kids.

What is sterile sperm?

Sterile sperm, also known as azoospermia, refers to a condition where there is no sperm present in the semen. This can be due to a blockage preventing sperm from being released or a problem with sperm production in the testes. It can cause infertility in males.

How can a male damage sperm or become sterile?

If a man practice handjob regularly during his teenage, then his sperm count is reduced to such an extent that he may become sterile.

After he cums you feel all wet is this the sperm?

It's a combination of his ejaculate (which is mostly sperm) and your natural lubricant. Some women produce a good deal more of this lubricant than others!

How can you tell if your husband is sterile?

see a urologist and have his sperm tested

If a man's sperm is like water does that mean he is sterile? does

Can a hot tub make a guy sterile?

Not sterile but it can surely reduce the viability of your sperm. The testicular sac is situated outside the body for just this purpose. The heat weakens the sperm mobility.

How does spermicidal lube work?

Spermicidal lube contains chemicals that are toxic to sperm, effectively immobilizing or killing them to prevent fertilization. It disrupts the sperm cell membrane, making it difficult for the sperm to reach and fertilize an egg.

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Could you sterilize a big cat with a house cats sperm?

No. House cat sperm is not sterile to begin with.