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Most condoms today have a lubricant which includes a spermicide that kills sperm instantly. Temperature and exposure to air are other factors that can kill sperm almost immediately as well.

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Q: Can semen live in a condom and if yes for how long?
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Can you get pregenant if semen spills out of the condom after sex and you are rolling the condom off the penis but the condom didn't break?


Could you become pregnant with a condom left inside of you?

The semen can leak out when you try to get it out so yes you can.

Can we swallow semen fluid?

Yes, you can swallow semen. People have done that for years. Just make sure the other person is not infected with anything. Still, even orally, a condom is safer. Just use a plain condom for that which has no lubricant nor spermicide.

Does semen stain on clothes?

well, it can. it depends on the color of the clothing. for instance, black, semen on black clothing will stain it until washed. so wash your clothing or towels after you ejaculate on them or wipe your semen on them. masturbation with a condom can feel more pleasurable then bare hands. and when you ejaculate, the semen stays in the condom. try it. it will help.

Can some semen slide out after intercourse?

Yes but you can get spermicide condoms so it kills the sperm. If you don't use a condom the semen will always slide out. It has nowhere to go inside the woman. her body wont absorb it.

Can a girl get pregnant if the guy did not use a condome but he did not comes in her?

Yes. Pre-cum contains semen. It's rare but it can definitely happen. Use a condom!

Is it safe to wear a condom when you pop her cherry?

yes it is safe just as long as the condom is well lubricated and you go slow

Can you get pregnant if he takes his condom off after he got sperm and then he play with his penis on your vagina?

Yes, there is still semen on his penis, so putting it any near the vagina can get you pregnant.

Is it safe to have semen in your buttock?

Yes it is safe as long as your partner is STD free.

Can semen live in clothing?

Not immediately, but sperm dies when it dries up.

Can you have aids if you don't use a condom but with a clean partner?

yes, that is the most common method for getting HIV/AIDS

If semen is clear can it get her pregnant?

YES!!!As long as U R both healthy & she is fertel .