

Best Answer

If you want a short answer, then here it is. It's your first time smoking Marijuana. The THC (chemical in Marijuana that gets you high) of the plant goes thru your body, but your body doesn't know what to do with it. It's normal, and its just another way of saying that your body needs to adjust to the chemical. Over time, your body familiarizes with the THC, and uses it to get you to the "high" state.

Long answer:

Well, me and several of my friends have argued over this. I was once presented the idea by my brother that its all about technique and then I found this which basically proves he is right. My brother is freakishly smart too things just make sense to him, 1580 on SAT and 4.9 GPA (first 2 years of high school), then he started smoking and now he's at party school Umass. Anyways I got a link for ya and I will kinda explain it.

My friend once said your body isn't adjusted to weed the first time and even with a big hit you wouldn't get high. Bull the reason it didn't happen to him his first time even though he got a fair size, not big, hit was he was home with some friends and afraid of getting in trouble pumping adrenaline which can easily counter the effects of many weak drugs. The supposed Caniboids should still trigger plenty of effects on the brain, given the strain of Cannibus. Most the things weed do are things you encounter in real life by other things, they just all come together for a more natural than you think HIGH. Get a big enough hit, and relax you'll be just fine. Read the link, which again is

The dude that wrote it has a lot of posts and is wicked smart, think I read MIT or WPI so read all his stuff about it and have fun man.

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15y ago

Because it clearly effects your brain, but not in a good way. My environmental teacher told us he used to smoke pot, & now you can defiantly tell its messed with his head till today.
It doesn't kill brain cells like some think. There has been scientific studies on it and it shows to actual strengthen some brain cells from alcohol when used at the same time. The only reason not to try marijuana is because you don't want to. It has very minimal damage done to you so it's just up to you rather you want to or not.

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13y ago

I belive that yes, you can be addicted to weed. But not like you are to cig's or crack. You could try smoking weed one, like it, and smoke it nonstop due to a persay "addictive Personality" which is the reason I have never smoked weed in my life. Cause of my addictive personnality.

Usually I disagree with people that say it is addictive, but this guy is right. If you have an "addictive personality" then yes you can become addicted. You can also become addicted to working (workaholics) and eating. Does that make working and eating bad? No. If a person is weak minded or likes to blame others for their problems, they they might become addicted. But to answer your question, I say no marijuana is not addictive by nature.

Yes, anyone can become addicted to marijuana as it is a drug that gives a high, and highs are usually the reasons for addiction.

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10y ago

No you can't its not a drug

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Q: Can someone be addicted to marijuana?
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Who to call when marijuana addiction?

Marijuana is a non-addictive substance. If someone is "addicted" to it, then they should check it for small white crystals. You can't be addicted to marijuana, but you can be addicted to cocaine. Some dealers "lace" their marijuana with cocaine to make it stronger. If there are no crystals and you still feel addicted, then its a mental addiction. With less use it will go away

What should i do if best friend is addicted to marijuana?

Become addicted to marijuana yourself.

How people get addicted to marijuana?

People don't. It's a common misconception that someone may think they're addicted. A person with very low self will may use the excuse of being addicted, but it's a fact that Marijuana is non addictive.

Can you become physically addicted to marijuana?

Marijuana is not addictive.

Where can someone receive treatment for a marijuana addition?

Someone who is addicted to marijuana can receive treatment from select treatment centers. They can also receive treatment from their doctors, which is more common because marijuana treatment centers are not very common. However, marijuana addiction is not a very common disorder.

What is in marijuana that makes people so addicted?

There is nothing in marijuana that makes you physically addicted to it. You can only be mentally addicted to it, but that also applies for about anything. Ex. Food, sex, videogames.

What do people do when their addicted to the nicotine in marijuana?

There is no nicotine in Marijuana, nicotine is in cigarettes.

How long does it take to become addicted to marijuana?

If you try marijuana once, you are most likely to be addicted

What are the physical addictions of marijuana?

There are none, the only way to get addicted to marijuana is mentally .

How many kids are addicted to marijuana?

0.Marijuana is a non-addictive substance.

If someone smokes pot in a room with their infant can the infant become addicted to marijuana?

The infant will probably get a contact high, but Marijuana is not physically addictive, so the child, or anyone for that matter, becoming addicted is impossible. Regardless, it's not a good idea, and highly morally questionable.

Can you get addicicted to marijuana?

yes ... you can also get addicted to cake