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uh, no.. of course not.. but then again you'll still live in the ghetto...

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 3d ago

Secondhand exposure to crack smoke can potentially result in negative health effects similar to those experienced by the person smoking it. These effects can include respiratory issues, headaches, dizziness, and potentially addiction if exposed frequently. It is important to avoid such situations to protect personal health.

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Q: Can someone around someone smoking crack get the same side effects as the person smoking it?
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What effects does passive smoking have on a person?

if you walk pass someone smoking and you inhale some of the smoke it will be the same as smoking but not harmful if you quickly get away from the person smoking. if your close friends smoke and your passive smoking nearly most of your days then this will be the same as smoking and will lead to poor lungs and a weaker heart so i recommend when you see someone smoke and your walking pass them , get pass them as quick as possible. And if your friends do smoke convince them to quit to make the world a better healthier place :)

What are the side effects from being around methamphetamine smoke?

Worse than secondhand from tobacco. First off, you fail drug tests, second off, it might start rotting your teeth out. Just tell the person that's smoking around you to stop smoking around you, or better yet, tell them to get help.

Who is most likely to be affected by thirdhand smoke?

Smoking affect the person smoking and the other things and people around them. Smoking is not only a hazard to the person that is doing the smoking but it is also hazardous to the people and things around because of the chemicals that it puts off which is called second hand smoking.

Is it dangerous for a person to be around someone smoking marijuana?

Yes it is. Because not only could you start but you could get 2nd hand smoke. But tell the dude to stop. plz.

Why do you smell cigarette smoke when there is none?

Cigarette smoke "stays with you"; if you smoke or hang around someone who does, the smell of the smoke will stay on your clothes & in your hair.

What does heavy lung mean?

It is a condition in which a person has trouble breathing due to the effects of smoking, smog, sickness, or disease.

How do you stop someone smoking?

Its not always easy stopping someone from smoking. Its a really hard habit to quit. First step is to tell the person that u care about them and telll them that they need help or rehab.

What effect would smoking have on a person who quit smoking?

It would depend on how long you had quit. If you had only recently quit, smoking would probably start your habit all over again. Other than that, it would have all the same effects it had before you had quit but since you already had smoked before, the effects would accumulate faster and probably become magnified.

Does marijuana have side effects when you are not an addict?

Yes, Marijuana can make you delirious and tends to make it harder to breathe and also makes things around u faster even if u stop smoking , I learned this out of a books and i learned it in person

Why was smoking more acceptable 30 years ago?

Smoking was more acceptable, to the point of which ads were on TV promoting it, because people were, for the most part, unaware of the detrimental side effects it could have on a person's health.

What are the short term effects of smoking on social life?

Not good. Today people are more knowledgeable about the negative health effects that smoking can cause. On the other hand, the stereotypical tough or cool guy/gal image that was once associated with smoking has been replaced with one of lower class and in the lower socioeconomic status. Men and women do not think smoking places a person higher on the social status bar but the opposite.