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Absolutely. All smoke can affect your lungs.

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Q: Can second hand crack smoke affect your lungs?
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Can second hand smoke of crack cocaine effect you?

It is possible to test "dirty" from second hand smoke from crack cocaine. Second hand smoke lingers and can be inhaled through normal breathing.

What drugs are harmful for your lungs?

All drugs that you smoke are harmful to your lungs; cannabis, nicotine, crack etc.

How does second-hand smoke effect the body?

You can breath in the smoke and it will go staight to your lungs. It has the same affect as smoking but it takes longer to get the effects.

Hat happens to your lungs after you smoke crack for 3 years?

They get Cancer

Can crack get in your system if you are beside somebody smoking it?

well yes and no. yes because its like second hand smoke and no it will not affect you like it would if you were actually smoking it

How does second hand smoke affect people?

Second hand smoke people in different ways, if they are around a person that smokes everyday then that isn't good because believe it or not people that inhale second hand smoke can also die or get lung cancer. Also if you second hand smoke you can still have tar in your lungs but not as much as a regular smoker has. Hope that helped!! :) :)

What is the term of smoke that is exhaled from the smokers lungs?

When other people are exposed to it, it is second hand smoke.

How does lung affect interactions with others?

Because it is contagious. You're breathing in peoples air all day. You can catch lung disses from that person. Like second hand smoke. If someone is smoking and you're in that area with them you can catch second hand smoke. Why because they're breathing out smoke into your air and that smoke is effecting your lungs.

Can second hand smoke from crack cocaine cause an addiction or high?


What can you drink to get second hand smoke out of your system?

Second hand smoke is in your lungs and it is not something you can remove by drinking something as it isn't in your digestive tract.

What affect does the cigarette smoke have on the body?

It will mess up your lungs and make them weak.

How many times should you hotbox smoking pot a week without damaging your lungs from the smoke?

ZERO The smoke will damage your lungs if you inhale it for even just a second.