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Q: Can pregnant women use condoms
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Related questions

Should you use condoms after a miscarriage?

You should wait about a month until you have sex afterwards and unless you want to get pregnant again, yes, use condoms. If you plan another child wait about 4 months to try to get pregnant.

What percentage of male condoms are purchased by women?

About twenty five percent of the male condoms are usually purchased by women. This is one of the most use contraceptive in the world.

Your partner can use the sperm which you left in condoms to get pregnant?

Yes. It is still viable sperm and can still get people pregnant if they try.

Is there a way for a woman to get pregnant when she used condoms?

Yes, condoms can tear.

How many women die from birth control use?

Birth control refers to all kinds of contraception. *Diaphragms: 14 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *Cervical caps: 16 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *Leah's shield: 15 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *The Combination Pill: 8 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *Male condoms: 15 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *Female condoms: 21 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *Contraceptive Implant: less than one out of every 100 women will become pregnant *Contraceptive Patch: 8 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *Depo-Provera: 8 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *Fertility Awareness: 20 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *IUD: less than one out of every 100 women will become pregnant *Minipills: 10 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *Spermicide: 29 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *The Sponge: 16 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *Vaginal Ring: 8 out of every 100 women will become pregnant *Withdarwal: 27 out of every 100 women will become pregnant

Can you get preagant when your on your period?

Yes. You can get pregnant any time you have unprotected sex. Be smart: use condoms.

Can a cat make you pregnant?

Yes, as long as their partners use condoms.

Do condoms for women help prevent pregnancy?

Yes if used properly, but they are more difficult to use and less reliable than male condoms.

Should pregnant women use diuretics?

In general, pregnant women should not use diuretics unless a physician recommends their use

What is that girls wear to not get pregnant?


Is it safe for pregnant women to use a pregnancy toilet seat"?

No, it is not safe for pregnant women to use a pregnancy toilet seat.

Can pregnant women take the medicine sedalmerck?

It says on the package that pregnant women should not use it.