You should wait about a month until you have sex afterwards and unless you want to get pregnant again, yes, use condoms. If you plan another child wait about 4 months to try to get pregnant.
If you use condoms, then water based creams should be used. Oil based can cause harm to the latex used in condoms.
Condoms should only ever be used once. For more information on the correct use of condoms, please see the related question.
Condoms usually have a use by date printed on the back of the wrapper. Condoms are usually good for a year or two if they are stored properly. Condoms should not be stored in wallets.
You should never induce a miscarriage.
If they are practicing Catholics they could not use condoms.
You should never induce a miscarriage.
My wife had a miscarriage after I beat her real good!
You don't, because it DOESN'T prevent pregnancy! You should be using condoms!
Plan B. You can get it at the pharmacy, without a prescription. It will cause you to have a miscarriage, so it will be painful. You should always use condoms and might want to consider getting on the pill. It's safer for you to prevent an unwanted pregnancy than to try and end one, once it's happened.
* You should avoid sexual intercourse * If you insist on have sexual intercourse, use protections such as condoms or "the pill"
A miscarriage should not prevent you from becoming pregnant again.
You can use the contraceptive implant immediately after miscarriage. There is no waiting period needed.