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Yes! Mine usually last around seven! Unless it goes on heavily for more than two weeks, you should be fine. Yes! Mine usually last around seven! Unless it goes on heavily for more than two weeks, you should be fine.

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Q: Can periods last more than 5 days?
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Is it normal to have period for more than 9 days?

Some people have periods that last for 2 weeks, however a week-9 days is more average. If your period does not normally last for 9 days, then you should speak to your doctor about it

Your period is longer than 3 days is that bad?

no - periods can last from 1 day (unusual) to 7 days or more. 4or 5 days is average for many women

What does it mean if your first period lasts longer than 7 days?

It mens nothing some people last longer than seven days periods can last from 3-10 days

Is Endometriosis related to menstruation?

Women whose periods last longer than a week with an interval of less than 27 days between them seem to be more prone to the condition

Are two week periods normal?

14 days? Menstruation is only suppose to last for not more than 10 days. If it goes beyond that you should go see a doctor. So NO its not normal.

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The alarm stage of stress is commonly known as the fight or flight stage. This stage can last a few seconds or many days. Prolonged periods lasting more than a few days can cause biological damage.

Could there be a problem if you on the injection but on your periods for more than a month?

Bleeding for longer than 7 days warrants a trip to the doctor.

How long do periods last?

You can always speak to your parents, brother, sister or healthcare professional if you are concerned about your period.3 to 8 days, everyone is different however some last longer than that

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Why is your period lasting more than 8 days?

It could signify a hormone imbalance, if you are in pre or perimenopause. It's quite normal as your hormones shift to have irregular periods and periods that last a long time with heavy bleeding/clotting. If you go through more than one pad in an hour's time, or if you have clots the size of a baseball or larger, you should contact your OB/GYN.

How long will collard greens last after cooking?

3 days no more than that

How heavy are periods on the 5th day?

It depends. An average girl's period can last from 3 to 7 days. If you bleed for more than three days, and you have, say, a week period, the fifth day of the cycle is very light. Like spotting. Most people don't need more than just a pantyliner when it comes to that day.