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Yes, but probably only if they're on the top floor with you.

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9mo ago

It depends on the ventilation and insulation in the building. Smoke can travel through openings in the floor or vents, potentially allowing the smell to reach other areas. It's best to smoke in a well-ventilated area or use devices that minimize the smell.

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Q: Can people smell weed if you smoke on the top floor?
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People that smoke "weed" don't smoke it for the smell of the smoke, they smoke it for the effect it has on them.

Should you smoke weed you found on the floor?

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Can your breath smell like weed if you don't smoke it?

yes it can, often second hand smoke can make someone, and their breath if standing close enough to a person, smell like smoke to the point where you would smell like a smoker especially if you are around people who smoke fairly often

Can you cover the smell of weed on your breath?

The smell of cigarette smoke will always overpower the smell of marijuana smoke. Or you could just chew gum or eat breath mints.

What do you call people who smoke weed?

weed heads

Do you get dirty if you smell the weed smoke?

If by "dirty" you mean high, it's possible. If you just smell the smoke but it isn't close to you then nothing will happen. If you're close to it and the smoke is in you're face then you might get a second hand or "contact high"

How many people smoke weed?

a lot.A Bunch Of People Smoke Weed Rite Nowevery 2 min.

Can you smoke weed in Amsterdam at 16 and get away with it?

If you know people, you can. but officialy it is from the age of 18 possible to smoke weed.

Will weed smell if it's just in my room and I don't smoke it there?

Not unless it isn't in a sealed baggie.

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Could your breath start to smell like weed if you hang around someone who smokes it?

No. Your breath will only smell like it if you smoke it directly.