Don't do any drugs while you're pregnant unless you want to ruin your child's life.
Liquor will kill you internally, where marijuana will kill you externally. Liquor will cause health problems and marijuana will ruin your life. But, both would help cover the pain both products cause.
This better be a joke.... Drugs REALLY do ruin your life, it's not just an act or something, I know people who do drugs.drugs do not ruin lifes, people ruin lifes, i know many many many people on drugs who ARN'T throwing their life away because of drugs, but to answer your question hash is better than the bud of marijuana because it contains more tetrahydrocannibinal*thc*
Marijuana is meant to enhance your life, not run it.
The Best Way to Ruin Your Life was created in 2002-06.
No, it's fairly scary to get your first ticket, but it won't ruin your life. But dying in a car crash because of speeding will certain 'ruin' your life and your family's lives.
Why would you want a dog to be aggressive. That's sick. Why would you want to ruin that puppy's life. If you want to ruin a life get a life, and ruin your own.
There is no requirement for marijuana for man. Man can live a perfectly happy life without the use of marijuana It is not a life requirement.
what do you think dumbo
Lol, Miracle grow is for garden weeds. Not weed that you smoke. If you do use it for marijuana, it'll ruin it.. because of toxic chemicals.