maybe if it is directed and controled by a physician , but i would suggest DONT TRY IT on your own unless a physician says so
It is not sure what state the quester is regarding to, but there is usually nothing to recover from.
recover is the answer :)
Terminal illness is a state of illness from which one is not expected to recover. The expectation is that the illness will take the person's life.
unfortunately no.
Essencially physiotherapy and strictly proper medicines prescribed by a neurologist.
People come out of their mental illness , with drugs as well as councelling.
Recover has multiple meanings. Recover - to get something back. The police may recover a lost wallet. Recover - to get well. You should recover from your illness in 2 weeks.
no, because the leaves that are yellow are already dead.
junk food and old cartoons. maybe a nap?
marijuana feeds the soul within. it also can increase eye sight, help you get laid, and fall in love with cheetos.
Marijuana has no medical use for seizures.