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Anyone who is sexually active can acquire chlamydia. This is why it's important to talk to your sexual partner about their sexual history, if they've been tested, and ALWAYS use protection.

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Q: Can gay men get chlamydia
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Can same sex partners contract chlamydia?

Yes, men can give chlamydia to men and women can give chlamydia to women.Yes, a female can get chlamydia from a female, and a male can get chlamydia from a male

What do men take for chlamydia?

In the US, typically azithromycin or doxycycline, same as for women.

How often will you get chlamydia symptoms?

Half of men and only 10-20% of women get symptoms of chlamydia.

How likely is it that blood in semen is caused by chlamydia?

In young men, blood in semen is often caused by chlamydia. If you may be at risk for STDs, it makes sense to get tested. Urine testing for men is quick and painless.

Does chlayydia stop a men from getting hard?

Can chlamydia stop men from get a hard on

Can gay become to men?

Gay men are already men.

How do gay men become men?

Gay men are individuals who are attracted to other men romantically and/or sexually. Sexual orientation (being gay) does not influence someone's gender identity (being a man). Men, whether straight or gay, identify as male based on their self-perception and expression.

What are risk factors for chlamydia?

Risk factors for chlamydia include age under 25, new partner, multiple partners, history of prior STD, and men who have sex with men.

How many males show sypmtoms five weeks after chlamydia infection?

50% of men infected show symptoms of chlamydia.

Is there any difference why women are gay and men being gay?

When women are gay, they are interested in other women. When men are gay, they are intersted in other men

What is the incidence of chlamydia in australia?

it is extreally commen in men and women. In 2011, the rate of chlamydia in Australia was 435 cases per 100,000.

Why do men hate being called gay?

Only straight men hate being called gay. Most gay men prefer the term "gay."