

Best Answer

If you have a condom stuck inside your vagina go to the doctor and have it removed. Never ever douche to try and remove something from inside your vagina. Next time you have sex use lube so your vagina isn't too dry and that will prevent a condom from coming off.

answer two:

i agree with the first answer; however, don't use lube. it can cause yeast infections and bacterial infections .

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Q: Can douching help get a condom out of the vagina?
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Is douching healthy in pregnancy?

No. Douching is never healthy and should be avoided. The vagina is self cleaning and douching makes it easier to get infections.

Can douching block you tubes to prevent you from getting pregnant?

No. Douching however is bad for the vagina and can change the natural flora so you get infections easier. The vagina is self cleaning which is what the discharge is for.

What is the benefit of douching with alum?

There is no benefit to douching with alum. Douching in general is unhygienic and unhealthy as it can change vaginal pH so allow for harmful bacterial growth, it can force harmful bacteria further up into the vagina, and it can wash away discharge needed to protect the vaginal walls. Douching with alum is claimed to tighten the vagina, but the vagina cannot be tightened and nor should anyone want to as a tight vagina is a bad thing - a vagina will only be tight if a woman is tense or not fully aroused, thus sex wouldn't be as enjoyable and may cause pain or vaginal tissue damage.

Will douching help yeast infections go away if you have already taken the medication for it?

no, douching can actually prolong the infection because it disrupts the normal flora of the vagina. A home remedy that actually works is to take an aplicator of plain yogurt and when done with the medication insert into the vagina once. this restores the normal flora and solves the problem. good luck joymaker rn

Can douching delay your period?

No, douching doesn't effect your period at all - when your period is due is determined by your menstrual cycles, nothing about douching could effect this. FYI douching is unhygenic and unsafe as it effects vaginal pH, strips vaginal tissues or moisture, and can force harmful bacteria further into the vagina - douching increases risks of vaginal infections, TSS, STD's and PID.

Can douching kill sperm inside the body?

Douching, even with a spermicidal solution, will only eliminate sperm in the Vagina, it will not affect any that have already entered the Uterus. Generally, douching is a very tiresome way of getting pregnant and an ineffective means of contraception.

Is douching dangerous when pregnant and what will it do to the baby?

Douching is unnecessary for women as the vagina has natural cleansing abilities. It is not recommended for pregnant women, however I would consult for more information on this topic. Good luck with your pregnancy!

What is a douce bag?

a small syringe for douching the vagina, especially as a contraceptive measure. an obnoxious or contemptible person, typically a man.

Is there is chances of pregnancy if sperm is not enter in vagina by using condom?

No there is not.

Can you get pregnant if a condom got stuck in your vagina an he ejaculated in it?

Yes, if the ejaculatory fluids came in contact with your vagina you can get pregnant.

When must he pull out of vagina to avoid pregnancy?

You can't. ALWAYS use a condom.

Can doucing stop menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, a domino effect of hormonal changes between the brain and reproductive organs - douching inside your vagina has no effect on your menstrual cycle what-so-ever. Douching is also unhygienic and unhealthy as it can change vaginal pH, force harmful bacteria further into the vagina, and strip vaginal walls of lubrication.