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Q: Can cops arrest you for smoking pot in your home?
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Can you call the cops if you think your roommate is smoking pot but do not know for sure?

snitches get

How long does an arrest for smoking pot stay on your record in Mississippi?

a long time ovr ten years

Is there anything bad about smoking pot?

Yes. Pot affects your body. It harms the brain, lungs, central nervous system, and can cause cancer. It is also illegal and can result in an arrest.

Why is the day 4 20 a smoke day for pot heads?

because that's what is code word for the cops when someone is smoking. example: we got a 4/20 on main street

When was wheat introduce to the US?

as soon as we started smoking pot as soon as we started smoking pot

What is considered heavy pot smoking?

smoking veryday and smoking by your self

Why is smoking pot called getting stoned?

because i was smoking pot once and got hit with a stone.

Can smoking pot cause one eye to droop?

probably, smoking pot screws up everything about you

Is pot illegal?

Nope the cops just think it is

Can taking valproate semisodium and smoking pot be life threatening?

yes, smoking pot with anything is life threatening.

How do you obtain tetrahydrocannibol without smoking pot?

Eat pot.

What is the meaning of green day?

It's a day spent lazing around at home smoking pot and doing nothing.