Because your consuming more calories so its going to make you gain weight and weight effects your health!
ANY food can make you gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn off. Also I don't think your digestive tract will thank you for consuming raw rice...
Calories can make you gain weight, but it depends mostly on two things: the amount of exercise you do a day, and the amount of calories you are consuming. I watch my calorie intake and what I eat, and I run 3 or 4 times a week, and I'm losing weight... so it really depends.
does cherry gain weight
Yes it's collagen make you gain weight
no it can make you gain weight!
It shouldn't make you gain weight, I believe it is one of few birth controls that wont make you gain weight, but it can cause breast enlargement, so I guess if it does this then yes it could possibly make you gain very very little weight.
Protein itself is not a weight gainer. Protein is a macronutrient that plays a crucial role in muscle repair and growth. Consuming protein in conjunction with a caloric surplus can support weight gain, particularly in the form of muscle mass when combined with strength training.