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No. Hot water is a bigger factor when you are pregnant. You will want to avoid hot tubs, hot baths and hot showers.

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Q: Can cold showers affect pregnancy
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Related questions

What is the duration of Cold Showers?

The duration of Cold Showers is 1.7 hours.

Does cold medicine affect pregnancy tests?

NoThe pregnancy hormone HCG is produced by the embryo not the mother and is detectable by the pregnancy tect in extremely small amounts.Ordinary cough / cold medicine will not affect the result either way

When was Cold Showers created?

Cold Showers was created on 2005-05-22.

Can cold showers make you stop growing?

No. Cold showers have nothing to do with height.

Does cold showers help sunburn?


Why when you Flush hot water gets hot in sinks and showers?

When you flush your toilet, cold water is used, this diverts cold water from the sinks and showers, resulting in diminished cold water flow momentarily at the sinks and showers, so, less cold mixed with hot, = hotter sinks and showers.

How do you keep yourself from getting horny?

Cold showers my friend, cold showers. It also helps if you think of someone you are repulsed by.

Can you take cold showers during winter?

It is possible to take cold showers during the winter, though it may be uncomfortable.

How much weight can you lose by taking cold showers for 10 days?

Hmmm, cold showers would have nothing at all to do with weight loss.

You took hot showers before you found out you were pregnant and still do is your baby ok?

Normal showers should be fine during pregnancy.

Are Cold showers safe?

Yes, cold showers are generally safe for most individuals. They can have various health benefits such as improving circulation, reducing muscle soreness, and boosting mood. However, people with certain health conditions like heart conditions or Raynaud's disease should consult with a healthcare provider before trying cold showers.

Is it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy?

it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy