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Yes, the woman may. Picking vegetables from a garden is not a very vigorous form of work. If you wear your pad then it should be fine.

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Q: Can a woman pick veggies from a garden while on a menstrual cycle?
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Can you continue your suppository treatment while you have your menstrual cycle?

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Menstrual cycle is your reproductive cycle, if you are a healthy fertile woman then you're always on your menstrual cycle - I think that you mean during your period. Yes, you can go tanning while on your period, there's nothing that you can't do while menstruating.

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The key difference between the menstrual cycle and the estrous cycle is that the menstrual cycle occurs in humans and some primates, while the estrous cycle occurs in most other mammals. In the menstrual cycle, females have a monthly period of bleeding, while in the estrous cycle, females experience a period of sexual receptivity known as "heat" or "estrus." Additionally, in the menstrual cycle, females can conceive at any time during their cycle, while in the estrous cycle, females are only fertile during specific times when they are in estrus.

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When you haven't had a. Period for a while

Can you get your period while ovulating, or are they two separate processes that occur at different times in the menstrual cycle?

Yes, it is possible to get your period while ovulating. Menstruation and ovulation are two separate processes that occur at different times in the menstrual cycle. Ovulation typically occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle, while menstruation occurs at the end of the cycle if fertilization does not occur.

How often should your menstrual cycle be when your not on birth control pills?

The average menstrual cycle length is 28 days - but everyone is different. As a note while on birth control pills you don't have a menstrual cycle, the pill works by suppressing your menstrual cycles so you no longer ovulate.

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What happens when you douch while on your menstrual cycle?

Your menstrual cycle is your reproductive cycle, if you're a healthy fertile female then you're always on your menstrual cycle - I think maybe you mean during menstruation. At any point in your menstrual cycle douching is unhealthy and unhygienic: it changes vaginal pH, pushes harmful bacteria further into the vagina, and strips the vaginal tissues of lubrication.

Can a menstrual cycle cause you to be hungry?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle of a woman, while she is of reproductive age and not suppressing her cycles with hormonal birth control, she is always experiencing her menstrual cycles. Hunger is a basic human need, it lets you know when to eat, you will always be hungry throughout your entire menstrual cycle - this is called being human.

When are hormones in the menstrual cycle least active?

The hormone that is least active while you are ovulating is progesterone. Progesterone is built up and reaches its high peak before your menstrual cycle.

Can you get pregnant while on your Menstrual cycle on the Mrena IUD?

You don't have a normal "menstrual cycle" when on Mirena, although you may have vaginal bleeding. Pregnancy with Mirena is unlikely whether or not you are bleeding.