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Q: Can you use metronidazole vaginal suppository while on your menstrual cycle?
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Can you continue your suppository treatment while you have your menstrual cycle?

Yes, you can carry on your suppository treatment while you have your menstrual cycle. For the record menstrual cycle refers to the reproductive cycle, as long as you're ovulating/menstruating you are always going through your menstrual cycle, I think you mean menstruation.

What happens when you douch while on your menstrual cycle?

Your menstrual cycle is your reproductive cycle, if you're a healthy fertile female then you're always on your menstrual cycle - I think maybe you mean during menstruation. At any point in your menstrual cycle douching is unhealthy and unhygienic: it changes vaginal pH, pushes harmful bacteria further into the vagina, and strips the vaginal tissues of lubrication.

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Can doucing stop menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, a domino effect of hormonal changes between the brain and reproductive organs - douching inside your vagina has no effect on your menstrual cycle what-so-ever. Douching is also unhygienic and unhealthy as it can change vaginal pH, force harmful bacteria further into the vagina, and strip vaginal walls of lubrication.

Can the antibiotic Cipro cause excessive vaginal bleeding not during a menstrual cycle?

No, the antibiotic Cipro can not cause excessive vaginal bleeding. If you are experiencing bleeding and it is not your regualr menstrual cycle, you will need to see your doctor or go to an emergency room asap.

Can you get pregnant while on your Menstrual cycle on the Mrena IUD?

You don't have a normal "menstrual cycle" when on Mirena, although you may have vaginal bleeding. Pregnancy with Mirena is unlikely whether or not you are bleeding.

How can you tell if your menstrual cycle is irregular?

You can tell if your menstrual cycle is irregular because you'll be menstruating or experiencing vaginal bleeding at random times. Anything up to a weeks variation from your average menstrual cycle is considered to be normal, if there are weeks or months difference then they're irregular.

Can you use vaginal suppositories during your menstrual cycle?

Yes, why not, but chances are they'll be flushed out with your flow and so you do not get maximum benefit from them. My obgyn told me to stop using them during my menstrual cycle and resume when my cycle ends. I think there's a practical reason for it.

What is a white vaginal secretion?

A white or whitish vaginal secretion is generally not abnormal. It can be a discharge that occurs near the end of the menstrual cycle. If it is bothersome, it is best to see a doctor.

Does the sticky stuff on your underpants mean you will get your period soon?

Not necessarily. Sticky discharge in your underwear can be a sign of normal vaginal secretions or hormonal changes in your menstrual cycle. It's a good idea to track changes in your menstrual cycle and consult a healthcare provider if you have concerns about your menstrual health.

Does NuvaRing change your menstrual cycle?

Just by checking the nuvaring site: [url=[/url] you get the answer. "Irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting Changes in menstrual cycle" So...yes, it is possible.