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In the United states.. No.

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In some cultures and legal systems, a woman can be married to more than one man simultaneously, a practice known as polyandry. However, this is less common than polygyny (one man having multiple wives) and is not widely accepted in most societies.

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Q: Can a woman be married to more than one man?
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Can a man get a DNA test court ordered if the woman is married to another man and refuses to give him one in the state of Georgia?

In the state of Georgia, a man can request a court-ordered DNA test to establish paternity, even if the woman is married to another man. The court may order a genetic test if paternity is in question, and the results can be used to determine legal parental rights and responsibilities. It's best to consult with a family law attorney to guide you through the process.

Did slaves get married to their owners?

During slavery in the United States, slaves were not legally allowed to marry in most states. They were considered property and did not have the right to legal marriage. Some owners allowed slaves to participate in ceremonies or unions recognized by their community, but these were not legally binding.

When did Sojourner Truth marry thomas?

Sojourner Truth never married a man named Thomas. She had five children with a man named Thomas, but they were not legally married.

Can a woman married to a man sue another woman for breaking marriege?

In many jurisdictions, a woman can sue another woman for "alienation of affection" or "criminal conversation" if she can prove that this woman played a significant role in the breakdown of her marriage by engaging in a romantic or sexual relationship with her husband. These laws vary by state and country, so it's important to seek legal advice in your specific location.

What happens when a married man dies without a will in Oregon?

In Oregon, when a married man dies without a will, his estate will typically pass to his surviving spouse according to state intestacy laws. If there are no children involved, the spouse will likely inherit everything; if there are children, the spouse and children may share the estate. It's recommended to consult with a probate attorney for guidance on navigating the legal process.

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A woman that is married to more than one man is called what?

Women (or men) who have more than one married mate is called a 'bigamist.'

If a Married man loves other woman how does he prove it?

If a married man loves another woman than his wife, he can prove it by divorcing his wife and marrying this other woman.

What type of marriage is polygamy?

Polygamy is a type of marriage where one is married to more than one person. It is usually where a man marries more than one woman but it can include a woman marrying more than one man.

What is it called when a married woman wants to be more than friends with a divorced man?

It is called:cheatingemotional affairphysical - sexual affairmorally wrong to do

Can a woman get insurance on a man if he is married?

If the woman and man are married yes, she can get insurance on her husband. If the woman is single and the man married then no, she can't get insurance on him.

How can you a married man tell if a woman is interested in you?

ANSWER:I'm not a man but I can tell you some point or sign if a woman likes a married man. But this is not coming from a woman who just want to be notice by a married man. It will be a married man who do all the action, especially if his having a problem with his marriage. Married man will be easy to find a woman who can be their friend and tell a sad story (lies) about his married life.Now for a married man to know if he is being like by a woman, it will be the way she smile, body language, flirting through words, and much more. But once in a while when a woman do talk or even the way she act will be taken wrong by married man, and that is the one they need to watch out for..

If a married man is seeing a woman she is his mistress If a married woman is seeing a man what is the term used to refer to him?

Sugar Daddy ANSWER: For a man that has an affair with a married woman is called lover

Where can you get married to more than one man?

No where

Which spous is more prone to extra man or woman?

A man is more prone to a relationship on the side than a woman. However, it is not always the man who has an affair. Sometimes it is the woman.

What is a man called when he has a relationship with a married woman?

A1:The man is called the husband if he is married to the woman. Otherwise, he could be called an adulterer. A2:If its a married woman, and a single man, its called an affair. If both the man and woman are married to each each other, obviously, marriage.If both the man and woman are married to two different people, its also called an affair.A3:The man is having a relationship, the woman is having an affair. Either way, it is wrong for both the man and woman.

In some cultures a woman may have more than one husband a practice known as?

Actually, polygamy has three categories. Polygyny is when a man has more than one wife; polyandry is when a woman has more than one husband; and group marriage is when more than one couple gets married to each other.

How many times a person can get married in Iran?

A man may marry multiple wives in Iran. A woman may not have more than one husband.